UX in MedTech

Technologia powinna wspierać pacjenta i lekarza, umożliwiając im pełne skupienie na leczeniu. Projektowanie UX i UI, to klucz do skutecznej transformacji cyfrowej w ochronie zdrowia oraz do tworzenia przyjaznych dla użytkowników produktów.

Umów się na Warsztat Zero, podczas, którego zidentyfikujemy wyzwania w Twoim produkcie medycznym.

If you want to:

  • Find out what your users want

  • Keep existing customers engaged and gain new ones

  • Maintain order in the design and implement changes faster
  • stand out with the design of your brand against the competition 

And for this:

  • you do not know how to approach the change, so as not to spoil the current results

  • you see what problems your customers are facing and their scale, but you don't know why this is happening?

  • tailor UX activities to your strategy and business context

Start with the Workshop Zero diagnosis!

During Workshop Zero we will discuss your situation, which will allow us to better understand the problems and challenges you face. The final result will be the selection of a specific strategy for achieving the goal and an action plan.

Companies that have invested in design, including user experience, have twice as much revenue as their competitors.


Key UX challenges in medtech

Connecting physical medical devices to mobile apps

Applications supporting the operation of medical devices should be consistent with the device and do not require additional work from users. Interfaces must be clear and secure enough to minimize the risk of user error.

Accessibility for patients with restrictions

When designing applications for people with limitations, we take into account their diversity. The interface must take into account alternative ways of entering data and simple navigation. In terms of readability, applications should provide adequate contrast. This applies to both websites and touch screen support on mobile devices.

Patient data protection

Users need to know what their data is collected, how it is processed and who has access to it. Support will be the design of transparent privacy policies and clear communications. Applications must obtain users' consent to process data, and the process should be simple. Be aware of secure login methods and patient data encryption.

Simple interface that will improve the patient's life comfort

The goal of Medtech products for the patient is to take the extra responsibilities away from him so that he can focus on improving his health. A well-designed product is created through an insightful understanding of the patient's perspective and their issues, which are then addressed through a user-friendly interface.

Simplification of the work of the doctor and medical staff

An unattractive interface, complicated navigation, confusing forms and difficult to use technology can lead to increased working time and errors in assessing the patient's health status. User experience (UX) design for clinicians and staff focuses on simplifying interfaces to make them easy to use, attractive, and user-friendly. This allows doctors and staff to focus on treatment.

Doctor-Patient Communication Online

WhatsApp is the most used application by doctors, as it allows you to easily carry out telemedical consultations, support patients in emergencies and exchange information about available places in medical facilities. This allows doctors and patients to focus on treatment rather than software support. Our goal is to design user experiences that offer a user experience that is as intuitive and user-friendly as apps used by doctors and patients on a daily basis, such as WhatsApp.

How we work

Design Team on subscription

Design Team in subscription is a model where you receive ongoing care from a dedicated team of designers and researchers. Together with your team, they will build and develop digital products and services. The work of the team is valued at a single, fixed rate. This will help you avoid unforeseen costs, giving yourself predictability and control over your budget.

Design model

Our team consists of experienced people who have completed many projects in their career. Your product is always supervised by a person who will make sure that the solutions are carefully thought out.

See projects for the medical industry/Med Tech

Below you can see the best UX and UI implementations for digital products and services for the logistics and transportation industry. See projects completed by an experienced UX/UI team.

Zobacz projekty zrealizowane przez doświadczony zespół UX/UI.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Do I have to start cooperation with Workshop Zero?

No, you don't always have to start with Workshop Zero. There are situations when this step can be skipped, for example:

  • You have a specific task to do and you know exactly what you need.
  • You have already prepared a project brief containing all the necessary details, which allows you to start working immediately.
  • You have done a UX audit and have listed areas for improvement, which eliminates the need for additional preliminary examination.
  • You only need a UI design, without having to engage in the UX process.
  • You focus on creating a visual identity and need only branding services.
  • You only want to do research on user needs, without a full design cycle.
  • You need us to prepare desk research for you on a specific topic.
  • You are interested in undertaking permanent cooperation on product development.
  • You need to consult your project in the field of UX/UI or Research
What is Workshop Zero?

The Zero workshop is a 4-hour meeting where we will clarify the problems and challenges of your product/project together. Its purpose is to indicate several solution scenarios and choose the most optimal one for your product. One that you will be able to accomplish within a given time and budget. You can entrust the implementation of the project to us or ask another agency for it.

How to prepare for the workshop?

A week before the workshop we will meet for a 45-minute preparatory videoconference. Data we may ask you for:

  • information about your customers/recipients and their problems
  • if you have a customer service department, collect information about what problems customers/users come to them with
  • data from analytics, data on people, segments
  • Your current business strategy
Sample course and scope of the workshop

Sample Mileage:

  • presentation of micro audit,
  • analysis of your product prepared by Zima (or competitors, if your product does not already exist),
  • creating a list of elements that need to be worked through from your point of view,
  • describing the segments (persons) to which you direct your solution. Writing out challenges and problems to address,
  • grouping problems to be solved,
  • arrangement of selected problems to be solved on the matrix (important/not important, implementation/time-consuming),
  • talk about target solutions and those that could be implemented quickly (so-called quick-fix)
What will you leave the workshop with?

The final result of the workshop will be influenced by its entire course.

Examples of solutions that can be developed:

  • a list of solutions with a recommendation of the most optimal choice,
  • lista de fixos rapidos, ango soluções picais para ser implementada, que pode ser valor,
  • a concrete action plan with a full range of elements to be developed, tailored to your challenge/company,
  • describing the proto-persona and your current clients,
  • Assumptions of visual directions
  • ,
  • a proposal for a model of further cooperation.

The team that carried out projects in the medical field

Magdalena BarwinskaMagdalena Barwinska
Magdalena Barwinska
UX Designer
Radek RejselRadek Rejsel
Radek Rejsel
Co-Owner | Strategischer
Dorota ZurkowskaDorota Zurkowska
Dorota Zurkowska
Mateusz KarskiMateusz Karski
Mateusz Karski
UX & UI Designer
Marta Jakubowska - SobczakMarta Jakubowska - Sobczak
Marta Jakubowska - Sobczak
UX Designer | Researcher | Team Leader
Kuba HornaKuba Horna
Kuba Horna
Senior UI | Visual Designer
Ilona SkarbowskaIlona Skarbowska
Ilona Skarbowska
Co-Owner | Strategy Designer
Magdalena BarwinskaMagdalena Barwinska
Magdalena Barwinska
UX Designer

Ask us any question

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